The following section has a range of lessons for use in the classroom. Before undertaking any of the lessons please view the Conductive Tape Tips page to understand the strengths and limitations of conductive tape and make it easier to use and manage
Introduction to TapeBlocks and Circuits
Lesson 1: Introduction to TapeBlock Circuits
Australian Curriculum Link:
- Technologies - Design and Technologies (ACTDEK001)
Hook: Show a short video of creative TapeBlock projects or show several examples of TapeBlocks including power, light, vibration, fan, character, and train
Task: Explore different types of TapeBlocks and their uses.
Learning Outcome: Students will understand the basic concept of TapeBlocks and their potential uses.
Essential Terms: TapeBlocks, building, creativity, circuits, conductive
Inquiry: Where is electricity used. How and why is it different to TapeBlock circuits.
Link: Play with TapeBlocks
Lesson 2: Introduction to Circuits with Pre-made TapeBlocks
Australian Curriculum Link:
- Science - Physical Sciences (ACSSU097)
Hook: Show a simple circuit lighting up an LED.
Task: Create a simple circuit using Pre-made TapeBlocks.
Learning Outcome: Students will learn the basics of electrical circuits.
Essential Terms: Circuit, power, LED, vibration, fan, conductive
Inquiry: How many TapeBlocks can be stacked and still work?
Link: Introduction to TapeBlocks
Introduction to Circuits and Components
Lesson 3: Build a Light Circuits
Australian Curriculum Link:
- Science: Physical Sciences (ACSSU097)
- Technology: Investigating digital systems (ACTDIK007)
Hook: Pass around a light and power TapeBlock for student to activate and discuss where the power flows
Task: Students will create a Light TapeBlock and discuss what combination of TapeBlocks are required and why.
Learning Outcome: Students will understand what is required to make circuit.
Essential Terms: Light Emitting Diode (LED), Circuit, Power source, Conducitve
- https://www.tapeblock.com/pages/tutorial/make-a-light-tape-block
- Students may need to make a power TapeBlock depending on the power to be used. https://www.tapeblock.com/pages/tutorial/instruction-cards
- Does the LED work when it is both directions or only one way.
- Where can you get power from.
Lesson 4: Build a Vibration Circuits
Australian Curriculum Link:
- Science: Sound and vibration (ACSSU020)
- Technology: Investigating digital systems (ACTDIK007)
Hook: Pass around a vibration TapeBlock for student to feel and discuss haptic feedback
Task: Students will create a simple vibration making device using TapeBlocks.
Learning Outcome: Students will understand different types of feedback.
Essential Terms: Vibration, Circuit, Feedback
Link: https://www.tapeblock.com/pages/tutorial/make-a-vibration-tape-block
Inquiry: When and why might vibration motors be used.
Lesson 5: Building a fan.
Australian Curriculum Link:
- Science: Forces and motion (ACSSU076)
- Technology: Creating digital solutions (ACTDIP004)
Hook: Show how fans are used in everyday life
Task: Students will build a small fan using TapeBlocks
Learning Outcome: Understand how to connect a motor to power in a circuit.
Essential Terms: Motor, Fan, Circuit
Link: https://www.tapeblock.com/pages/tutorial/make-a-fan-tapeblock
Inquiry: What happens if you change the direction that the fan is connected to the power.
Introduction to Buttons and Switches
Lesson 6: Creating a Simple Button Switch
Australian Curriculum Link:
- Science: Energy transfer (ACSSU049)
- Technology: Creating digital solutions (ACTDIP004)
Hook: Show how a locking button switch works on a TapeBlock
Task: Students will create a simple switch to control their TapeBlock circuit.
Learning Outcome: Understand how switches control the flow of electricity.
Essential Terms: Switch, Circuit, Control
Link: https://www.tapeblock.com/pages/tutorial/make-a-button-tape-block
Lesson 7: Build a Light Sensor
Australian Curriculum Link:
- Science: Light and its effects (ACSSU080)
- Technology: Using digital systems (ACTDIK007)
Hook: Demonstrate a light sensor in action.
Task: Students will build a light sensor using TapeBlocks
Learning Outcome: Understand how sensors work and their applications.
Essential Terms: Sensor, Light Sensor, Circuit
Link: https://www.tapeblock.com/pages/tutorial/make-light-sensor-tape-block
Lesson 8: Creating a Tilt Switch
Australian Curriculum Link:
- Science: Energy transfer (ACSSU049)
- Technology: Using digital systems (ACTDIK007)
Hook: Show how tilt switches are used in devices like smartphones.
Task: Students will use a tilt switch to control their TapeBlock circuit
Learning Outcome: Understand how tilt switches work and their applications.
Essential Terms: Tilt Switch, Circuit, Control
Link: https://www.tapeblock.com/pages/tutorial/make-a-tape-block-tilt-switch
Electronic Concepts
Lesson 9: Series and Parallel Circuits
Australian Curriculum Link:
- Science: Electrical circuits (ACSSU097)
- Technology: Designing solutions (ACTDEP015)
Hook: Show examples of series and parallel circuits in everyday life.
Task: Students will build both series and parallel circuits using TapeBlocks.
Learning Outcome: Differentiate between series and parallel circuits.
Essential Terms: Series Circuit, Parallel Circuit
Link: https://www.tapeblock.com/pages/tutorial/series-and-parallel-circuits
Lesson 10: Conductors and Insulators
Australian Curriculum Link:
- Science: Properties of materials (ACSSU003)
- Technology: Investigating materials (ACTDEK004)
Hook: Demonstrate a working circuit and ask students to predict what will happen if different materials are used.
Task: Students will test various materials to see if they are conductors or insulators.
Learning Outcome: Identify materials that conduct electricity and those that do not.
Essential Terms: Conductor, Insulator, Circuit
Link: https://www.tapeblock.com/pages/tutorial/tapeblock-conductive-play
TapeBlocks with purpose
Lesson 11: Building Simple Structures
Australian Curriculum Link:
- Mathematics - Shape (ACMMG009)
Hook: Display a simple TapeBlock house and ask students to guess how it was built.
Task: Create a small house using TapeBlocks.
Learning Outcome: Students will develop fine motor skills and understand basic construction principles.
Essential Terms: Structure, shape, building
Link: https://www.tapeblock.com/pages/tutorial/make-a-roof-tapeblock
Lesson 12: Designing a TapeBlock Project
Australian Curriculum Link:
- Science: Applying scientific knowledge (ACSHE083)
- Technology: Designing and evaluating solutions (ACTDEP015)
Hook: Show various TapeBlock projects and their applications.
Task: Students will design and create their own TapeBlock project.
Learning Outcome: Outcome: Apply knowledge of circuits and design to create a functional project.
Essential Terms: Design, Project, Circuit