Make a Fan TapeBlock
To make a Fan TapeBlock that will turn the fan motor on when connected to a Power TapeBlock

- Fan motor
- Fan
- Conductive Tape
- Foam Block with hole drilled in it

- Take the two wires of a fan motor and wrap each in a small piece of tape
- Pull the wires toward the shaft and then insert the motor into the pre drilled hole in the foam block.
- Split the two wires apart and orientate the wires so they run along the centre of one of the long sides of the block
- Wrap two parallel rows of conductive tape all the way around the foam block and over the top of the wires of the fan motor. This can be fiddly.
- Make sure that the two rows of tape are about 1cm apart and do not touch each other.

Problems Solving
- If the fan motor TapeBlock is not working check that the wires are touching conductive tape.