TapeBlock Bubble Wrap Bracelet
To make a Bubblewrap bracelet that has color change LED. Also to demonstrate the diffusion properties of Bubble Wrap.

- 3V CR2032 Battery
- Battery holder
- Conductive Tape
- Bubblewrap
- Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs x 3 color change)
- Decoration (3 butterflies)

- Measure a piece of bubble wrap to make sure it is large enough for your wrist.
- Run two parallel rows of conductive tape along the bubble wrap close to the bottom edge
- Make sure that the two rows of tape are about 1cm apart and do not touch each other.
- Take the two legs of an LED put a small bend in the short leg then split the legs apart so that it will sit flat on the bubble wrap.
- Place 3 LEDs about 3cm apart with the bent leg on one piece of tape and the straight leg on the other piece of tape.
- Cover the LEDs with a second piece of tape so that each of the legs is sandwiched.
- Cut away the end piece of the bubble wrap to make it easier to get to the conductive tape
- Roll the bubblewrap so that the LEDs are in the centre and Hold down the bubble wrap with clear tape
- Insert the battery carrier into the rolled up bubble wrap with the wires facing out
- Use conductive tape to attache each of the wires to the two parallel pieces of conductive tape. Turn the Circuit on.
- Decorate with the Butterflies.
- Use clear tape to hold the bracelet around the wrist

Problems Solving
- If the LED TapeBlock is not working check that the legs of the LED are touching conductive tape
- Check that the LEDs are facing the correct direction for the positive and negative
- Check that the LEDs are all facing the same direction