Make a Basic eTextile Circuit

Video demonstration of eTextiles on how to sew a single LED circuit and how to sew two LEDs in a parallel circuit.


Decorative: LEDs laid out in the shape of an M


  • Felt
  • Conductive Thread
  • Lilypad LED
  • Lilypad battery carrier
  • 3V battery
  • Needle

Decorative: LEDs laid out in the shape of a long I


  • Thread the needle
  • Tie a knot in the conductive thread and shut the ends short.
  • Go through the plus hole on the lily pad battery carrier seven times
  • Sew to the LED using close stitches
  • Sew through the plus hole on the LED seven times
  • Sew to the plus side of the second LED
  • Sew through the plus hole on the LED seven times
  • Knot the end and cut the ends short
  • Tie a knot in a second piece of conductive thread and shut the ends short
  • Go through the negative hole on the lily pad battery carrier seven times
  • Sew to the negative side of the LED using close stitches
  • Sew through the negative hole on the LED seven times
  • Sew to the negative side of the second LED
  • Sew through the negative hole on the LED seven times
  • Knot the end and cut the ends short
  • Insert the battery in the carrier
  • Turn the switch on to see the light
Decorative: LEDs laid out in the shape of a P

Problem solving

  • Make sure that the tails are short and not touching anything
  • Make sure that the traces cannot touch each other because the sewing is loose